

内置定时任务能力来自于midwayjsopen in new window


import { Configuration } from "@midwayjs/decorator";
import * as task from "@midwayjs/task"; // 导入模块
import { join } from "path";

	imports: [task],
	importConfigs: [join(__dirname, "config")]
export class AutoConfiguration {}


import { Provide, Inject, TaskLocal, FORMAT } from "@midwayjs/decorator";

export class UserService {
	helloService: HelloService;

	// 例如下面是每分钟执行一次
	async test() {

定时规则 cron

*    *    *    *    *    *
┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬
│    │    │    │    │    |
│    │    │    │    │    └ day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 is Sun)
│    │    │    │    └───── month (1 - 12)
│    │    │    └────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│    │    └─────────────── hour (0 - 23)
│    └──────────────────── minute (0 - 59)
└───────────────────────── second (0 - 59, optional)





参考midwayjs 分布式定时任务open in new window


为了更好地结合前端,cool-admin 提供了另一个一个分布式任务的方案,该方案利用 redis 作为协同。



import { Configuration, App } from "@midwayjs/decorator";
import { join } from "path";
import * as task from "@cool-midway/task";

	imports: [task],
	importConfigs: [join(__dirname, "./config")]
export class ContainerLifeCycle {
	app: koa.Application;

	async onReady() {}


redis>=5.xopen in new window,推荐redis>=6.xopen in new window


import { CoolFileConfig, MODETYPE } from "@cool-midway/file";
import { MidwayConfig } from "@midwayjs/core";
import * as fsStore from "cache-manager-fs-hash";

export default {
	// 修改成你自己独有的key
	keys: "cool-admin for node",
	koa: {
		port: 8001
	// cool配置
	cool: {
		redis: {
			host: "",
			port: 6379,
			password: "",
			db: 0
} as unknown as MidwayConfig;

redis cluster 方式

		host: "",
		port: 7000
		host: "",
		port: 7001
		host: "",
		port: 7002
		host: "",
		port: 7003
		host: "",
		port: 7004
		host: "",
		port: 7005

创建执行任务的 service

import { Provide } from "@midwayjs/decorator";
import { BaseService } from "@cool-midway/core";
 * 任务执行的demo示例
export class DemoTaskService extends BaseService {
	 * 测试任务执行
	 * @param params 接收的参数 数组 [] 可不传
	async test(params?: []) {
		// 需要登录后台任务管理配置任务
		console.log("任务执行了", params);


登录后台 任务管理/任务列表


截图中的 demoTaskService 为上一步执行任务的 service 的实例 ID,midwayjs 默认为类名首字母小写!!!

任务调度基于 redis,所有的任务都需要通过代码去维护任务的创建,启动,暂停。 所以直接改变数据库的任务状态是无效的,redis 中的信息还未清空, 任务将继续执行。


之前的分布式任务调度,其实是利用了bullmqopen in new window的重复队列机制。

在项目开发过程中特别是较大型、数据量较大、业务较复杂的场景下往往需要用到队列。 如:抢购、批量发送消息、分布式事务、订单 2 小时后失效等。

得益于bullmqopen in new window,cool 的队列也支持延迟重复优先级等高级特性。


一般放在名称为 queue 文件夹下


普通队列数据由消费者自动消费,必须重写 data 方法用于被动消费数据。


import { BaseCoolQueue, CoolQueue } from "@cool-midway/task";
import { IMidwayApplication } from "@midwayjs/core";
import { App } from "@midwayjs/decorator";

 * 普通队列
export class DemoCommQueue extends BaseCoolQueue {
	app: IMidwayApplication;

	async data(job: any, done: any): Promise<void> {
		// 这边可以执行定时任务具体的业务或队列的业务
		console.log("数据", job.data);
		// 抛出错误 可以让队列重试,默认重试5次
		//throw new Error('错误');




import { BaseCoolQueue, CoolQueue } from "@cool-midway/task";

 * 主动消费队列
@CoolQueue({ type: "getter" })
export class DemoGetterQueue extends BaseCoolQueue {}


 // 主动消费队列
  demoGetterQueue: DemoGetterQueue;

  const job = await this.demoCommQueue.getters.getJobs(['wait'], 0, 0, true);
  // 获得完将数据从队列移除
  await job[0].remove();


import { Get, Inject, Post, Provide } from "@midwayjs/decorator";
import { CoolController, BaseController } from "@cool-midway/core";
import { DemoCommQueue } from "../../queue/comm";
import { DemoGetterQueue } from "../../queue/getter";

 * 队列
export class DemoQueueController extends BaseController {
	// 普通队列
	demoCommQueue: DemoCommQueue;

	// 主动消费队列
	demoGetterQueue: DemoGetterQueue;

	 * 发送数据到队列
	@Post("/add", { summary: "发送队列数据" })
	async queue() {
		this.demoCommQueue.add({ a: 2 });
		return this.ok();

	 * 获得队列中的数据,只有当队列类型为getter时有效
	async getter() {
		const job = await this.demoCommQueue.getters.getJobs(["wait"], 0, 0, true);
		// 获得完将数据从队列移除
		await job[0].remove();
		return this.ok(job[0].data);


interface JobOpts {
	priority: number; // Optional priority value. ranges from 1 (highest priority) to MAX_INT  (lowest priority). Note that
	// using priorities has a slight impact on performance, so do not use it if not required.

	delay: number; // An amount of milliseconds to wait until this job can be processed. Note that for accurate delays, both
	// server and clients should have their clocks synchronized. [optional].

	attempts: number; // The total number of attempts to try the job until it completes.

	repeat: RepeatOpts; // Repeat job according to a cron specification.

	backoff: number | BackoffOpts; // Backoff setting for automatic retries if the job fails, default strategy: `fixed`

	lifo: boolean; // if true, adds the job to the right of the queue instead of the left (default false)
	timeout: number; // The number of milliseconds after which the job should be fail with a timeout error [optional]

	jobId: number | string; // Override the job ID - by default, the job ID is a unique
	// integer, but you can use this setting to override it.
	// If you use this option, it is up to you to ensure the
	// jobId is unique. If you attempt to add a job with an id that
	// already exists, it will not be added.

	removeOnComplete: boolean | number; // If true, removes the job when it successfully
	// completes. A number specified the amount of jobs to keep. Default behavior is to keep the job in the completed set.

	removeOnFail: boolean | number; // If true, removes the job when it fails after all attempts. A number specified the amount of jobs to keep
	// Default behavior is to keep the job in the failed set.
	stackTraceLimit: number; // Limits the amount of stack trace lines that will be recorded in the stacktrace.


this.demoQueue.queue 获得的就是 bull 实例,更多 bull 的高级用户可以查看bull 文档open in new window

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